Chipped Nails – Day 9: What’s in your Bag?

I love purses, and bags, and just about anything you can sling on your shoulder and back and put stuff in. They follow me home like lost puppies.

What I carry will depend on each bag. But what I have listed here is what follows me everywhere.

Tada!  For starters, I always have my inhaler. Yay asthma!

Second, I typically have a snack. I’ve been carrying around my favorite candy bar, saving it for a really bad day for a while now. (Ever want to make me immeasurably happy? Buy me one of these, we’ll be friends for life.)

Obviously I carry my wallet with my id and some cash, along with lip balm and hand lotion.

Something a little bit more odd, might be the super glue. My hands are constantly cracking open because of the type of work that I do, and I can usually dab a bit of glue on the cracks before it gets deep enough to bleed. Not the best method, but nonetheless effective.

Finally, I always carry my Bible, two journals, along with my “journaling survival kit.” These items go with me everywhere large bags are allowed. My two journals each serve a purpose. The little brown one is a prayer journal, it’s designed to write short prayers and requests in along with a place to record the date you started praying, and the day you saw God answer that request. My green journal is for sermon notes, longer prayers and personal letters that will never be sent and rambling thoughts.

And what good is carrying around this much weight if you can’t actually dig into it? So I’m the person that carries a small bag, within my larger bag. The little “cosmetic” type bags contain pens, sticky notes, flags, highlighters, etc. Anything I could possibly need to record my thoughts about a passage and be able to easily come back to it later.

At first, the Bible and all of the journals felt like added weight, but the more I carried them around, the more comforting it was to have them. Yeah, I could access the Bible App on my phone, but it just isn’t the same. I still use that app daily for devotionals, but it doesn’t replace the time and mental space it takes for me to read from my physical copy of the Bible.

Sorry about the delay in getting this post up, I’ll see you all tomorrow!

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